Volume: Volume 1 (2021/22)


Decoupling Our Future from Our Past: Reflections on Sustainable Development

When Sustainable Development is discussed, several issues concerning the term “sustainable growth” come to the fore across scales. First, the term “decoupling” is problematic when used in reference to GDP growth and resource use/carbon emissions. Second, historical and global inequalities remain embedded in Eurocentric epistemologies such as the Modernization Theory, Progressivism and others. Finally, diverse, inclusive, and plural worldviews are sometimes excluded in policies for the sustainable transition.


Naturen i Bergen lagrer mer karbon enn det nasjonale gjennomsnittet

Det er funnet at Norge lagrer store mengder karbon, men det er gjort lite kartlegging av Soil organic carbon (SOC) og karbon i biomasse over bakken på lokalt nivå (Bartlett et al., 2020). Denne studiens formål er å kartlegge SOC og karbon i biomassen over bakken i naturtyper i Bergen og omegn. Vi tar for oss tre naturtyper i fastlands-Norge. Disse er skog hvor gran, furu, eik og andre løvtrær dominerer, åpent lavland slik som gressmark, jordbruksareal og lynghei, og våtmark som myr og torvmark.


The habitat uses and behaviour of Black Grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) in western Norwegian heathlands, in winter

Human activities keep exploiting lands to the detriment of biodiversity and species that are declining, owing to this habitat loss. Hence, understanding what use a species makes of its habitat contributes to preserving the species by establishing conservation strategies. We studied the habitat uses and winter behaviour of a coastal population of black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) during winter 2021-2022 in the heathlands of Lygra, a coastal island in western Norway.


Can we use fish scales to identify spring and autumn spawning herring (Clupea harengus)?

Our aim for this report was to investigate if we can use herring scales to distinguish between autumn and spring spawning herring. Our hypothesis was that herring that is genetically fit for autumn spawning (genetic autumn spawners) have a relatively wider first scale increment size than genetic spring spawners, due to longer first growth season. We further hypothesize that this difference could be used to differentiate between the two spawning groups.


Particulate element composition and phytoplankton biomass in Puddefjorden and Store Lungegårdsvannet during spring 2021

Heavy metal pollution poses a severe threat to aquatic environments, especially in urban coastal areas of high value. This study investigated the elemental composition of particulate matter and the possible impact of heavy metals on phytoplankton biomass in Puddefjorden(PUD) and Store Lungegårdsvannet(SLV), Bergen during spring 2021.